Ontario’s beverage alcohol marketplace is a shared environment that is legislated by the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario (AGCO), and dominated by three major stakeholders:

Liquor Control Board of Ontario (LCBO), a Crown Corporation that owns and oversees the distribution channels for its own monopoly retail chain, for restaurants and liquor license holders, and for grocery stores;

The Beer Store, a joint venture retail chain between three of Canada’s largest brewing companies; and

Ontario winery retail stores that are permitted to operate and sell locally-made wines only.

Suppliers and manufacturers from around the world must work with an Ontario agent to introduce their products to the Ontario market. An agent knows buyers, policies, regulations and marketing strategies and will help you navigate business opportunities smoothly.

Find one in our Member Directory or complete the form below to have your product posted to our Members Only section for consideration. For more information about doing business with LCBO, please visit: www.doingbusinesswithlcbo.com